Monday, November 7, 2011

More things are coming!!!

Ok, so I posted one thing and haven't since.  I have been busy playing Green Day music, working, and enjoying the snow. It will soon be time for food again!
My band playing Green Day! (Photo by Steph)


I was thinking that I was going to split this up in a few ways.  It is easy to take a recipe and post about making it.  But you could just go read the recipe.  So, I am going to post recipes and describe more of how it was to make it, but also make my own recipes and tell how they went. I think every now and then I will also put up links to food that just looks tasty.

I know I have an idea for desserts. I also have a breakfast recipe I came up with for the weekend. I will try and make something for dinner this week too.

Thinking about food is making me hungry...So I am done for now!

Current recipe I found that looks good and would be easy to make:

The only hard part is chopping vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. That recipe looks really yummy. I'm excited to see what you post next. I've had fall and winter foods on the brain lately. Any change we'll get a soup recipe in the future?
